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Aeroplane Magazine No.485 Hurricane & V. Virginia Edizione posteriore

241 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Aviation)
Only €5,99
Since the last issue of Aeroplane went to press it has been an incredible month! We have been able to bring you the first and exclusive air-to-airs of the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight’s Hawker Hurricane IIc PZ865 in its new South East Asia Command paint scheme, there was an amazing formation of a de Havilland Mosquito and Avro Lancaster in Canada, and then we had the ever-popular Flying Legends Air Show at IWM Duxford. During Flying Legends the sight of the world’s only two airworthy Gloster Gladiators was worth the trip alone. But add to that the former Alpine Fighter Collection Hurricane making its UK air show debut, plus many other highlights, including the worldwide debut of the Bremont Horsemen’s three-ship close-formation Spitfire display, and it was no wonder the event was receiving a great deal of praise from its many visitors straight away. It also marked the “retirement” of The Fighter Collection’s Stephen Grey from major air show appearances. In his welcome address in the programme, Stephen commented: “Shed not a tear for me as I shall continue to fl y for fun, but not at major displays. The Fighter Collection will
continue to care for these astonishing historic aircraft and for their home at IWM Duxford. I shall continue to assist where and whilst I can, in the hangar, on the ground and in the crowd, enjoying your company and looking up at those wonderful men in their flying machines.” Stephen is well-known for his “joker” display in the Grumman Bearcat as the “Balbo” finale forms up, however
this year’s Flying Legends featured a new “joker” in the form of Nick Grey flying TFC’s Gladiator II N5903. This was a sight to behold, with the sun by then perfectly positioned for photography, and the aircraft a true “gem”. If only every month could be like last month!
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No.485 Hurricane & V. Virginia Since the last issue of Aeroplane went to press it has been an incredible month! We have been able to bring you the first and exclusive air-to-airs of the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight’s Hawker Hurricane IIc PZ865 in its new South East Asia Command paint scheme, there was an amazing formation of a de Havilland Mosquito and Avro Lancaster in Canada, and then we had the ever-popular Flying Legends Air Show at IWM Duxford. During Flying Legends the sight of the world’s only two airworthy Gloster Gladiators was worth the trip alone. But add to that the former Alpine Fighter Collection Hurricane making its UK air show debut, plus many other highlights, including the worldwide debut of the Bremont Horsemen’s three-ship close-formation Spitfire display, and it was no wonder the event was receiving a great deal of praise from its many visitors straight away. It also marked the “retirement” of The Fighter Collection’s Stephen Grey from major air show appearances. In his welcome address in the programme, Stephen commented: “Shed not a tear for me as I shall continue to fl y for fun, but not at major displays. The Fighter Collection will continue to care for these astonishing historic aircraft and for their home at IWM Duxford. I shall continue to assist where and whilst I can, in the hangar, on the ground and in the crowd, enjoying your company and looking up at those wonderful men in their flying machines.” Stephen is well-known for his “joker” display in the Grumman Bearcat as the “Balbo” finale forms up, however this year’s Flying Legends featured a new “joker” in the form of Nick Grey flying TFC’s Gladiator II N5903. This was a sight to behold, with the sun by then perfectly positioned for photography, and the aircraft a true “gem”. If only every month could be like last month!

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Issue Cover

Aeroplane  |  No.485 Hurricane & V. Virginia  

Since the last issue of Aeroplane went to press it has been an incredible month! We have been able to bring you the first and exclusive air-to-airs of the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight’s Hawker Hurricane IIc PZ865 in its new South East Asia Command paint scheme, there was an amazing formation of a de Havilland Mosquito and Avro Lancaster in Canada, and then we had the ever-popular Flying Legends Air Show at IWM Duxford. During Flying Legends the sight of the world’s only two airworthy Gloster Gladiators was worth the trip alone. But add to that the former Alpine Fighter Collection Hurricane making its UK air show debut, plus many other highlights, including the worldwide debut of the Bremont Horsemen’s three-ship close-formation Spitfire display, and it was no wonder the event was receiving a great deal of praise from its many visitors straight away. It also marked the “retirement” of The Fighter Collection’s Stephen Grey from major air show appearances. In his welcome address in the programme, Stephen commented: “Shed not a tear for me as I shall continue to fl y for fun, but not at major displays. The Fighter Collection will
continue to care for these astonishing historic aircraft and for their home at IWM Duxford. I shall continue to assist where and whilst I can, in the hangar, on the ground and in the crowd, enjoying your company and looking up at those wonderful men in their flying machines.” Stephen is well-known for his “joker” display in the Grumman Bearcat as the “Balbo” finale forms up, however
this year’s Flying Legends featured a new “joker” in the form of Nick Grey flying TFC’s Gladiator II N5903. This was a sight to behold, with the sun by then perfectly positioned for photography, and the aircraft a true “gem”. If only every month could be like last month!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Brought to you by Key Publishing Ltd, Europe’s Leading Aviation Publisher.

Published monthly, Aeroplane traces its lineage back to the weekly The Aeroplane launched in June 1911, and is still continuing to provide the best aviation coverage around. Aeroplane magazine is dedicated to offering the most in-depth and entertaining read on all historical aircraft. With a distinct emphasis on military aircraft from the 1930s to the 1960s, the magazine features such icons as the Spitfire, Hurricane, Lancaster and many more.

Regular features include:

• Database: Aeroplane puts historic planes under the spotlight by discussing development, in service details, insights and technical details.
• Aeroplane Meets: Interview series on leading figures from the historic aircraft scene.
• Hangar Talk: Monthly comment column on the historic aircraft world.
• Q&A: Your questions answered
• Aircrew: An insider’s look at the crew that manned legendary aircraft.

And much more!

For more information, visit

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Published by Key Publishing Ltd. The entire contents of this title is © copyright 2018. All rights reserved.

Please note: Posters or wall planners included with the printed magazine are currently unavailable with the digital version.

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Basato su 241 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

I have issues from the 1940's

I have issues of the magazine my father purchased in the 1940's. A great read then and a great read now.
Just a shame the early editions are not still available in digital form
Recensito 26 ottobre 2023


I read Aeroplane since 1975. thereafter I bought the magazine when I coud find it in my hometown, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Recensito 24 novembre 2020


I have been a major fan of Aeroplane for over fifty years.More power to you arm!! Recensito 20 agosto 2020


As an American I don't see alot of British a/c in our magazines other than the usual Hurricanes, Spits, and so forth. And I have learned more about the RAF flying more American a/c such as the NA F-86 and the B-29 that you don't read about in American publications. Recensito 13 agosto 2020


Good articles on rare topics Recensito 15 luglio 2020

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