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Aviation Classics Magazine Aviation Classics 08 Edizione posteriore

63 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Aviation)
" B-17 Flying Fortress"
This issue - the story of the B-17 Flying Fortress is revealed in detail. It is an amazing tale of genius, tragedy, determination and courage.
The story proves that this is no longer merely an aeroplane, it has transcended to become an icon. During World War Two in the occupied countries of Europe, the massed formations of B-17s passing overhead on their way to strike targets became a symbol that they were not alone, that one day the oppression they were suffering would end.
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Aviation Classics

Aviation Classics 08 " B-17 Flying Fortress" This issue - the story of the B-17 Flying Fortress is revealed in detail. It is an amazing tale of genius, tragedy, determination and courage. The story proves that this is no longer merely an aeroplane, it has transcended to become an icon. During World War Two in the occupied countries of Europe, the massed formations of B-17s passing overhead on their way to strike targets became a symbol that they were not alone, that one day the oppression they were suffering would end.

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Basato su 63 Recensioni dei clienti
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