Black+White Photography  |  Holidays & Courses Guide 2018
Whenever I’ve had the chance to be involved in a photography workshop, be it as a participant, bystander or assistant, it’s always so inspiring to see how well people learn and grow when they’re in a group.
Being a photographer can be isolating (although having that solitary time is an important part of the creative process) but the joining together with others is often where the excitement lies. Conversations can help a photographer discover and develop their vision, or even open up the chance for them to see his or her work differently. It’s also much easier to notice what’s successful in other peoples’ pictures than it is in your own so perceptions you make on another participant’s work might feed into your own photography. If we stay respectful and receptive, objectivity is a powerful tool.
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Riceverete 12 edizioni durante un periodo di 1 anno Black+White Photography abbonamento alla rivista.
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