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Car Magazine November 2014 Edizione posteriore

26 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Automotive)
Only €7,99
50 years of the hot hatch - featuring all the greats from the Mini that won Monte to the nine best of 2014
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November 2014 50 years of the hot hatch - featuring all the greats from the Mini that won Monte to the nine best of 2014

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Issue Cover

Car  |  November 2014  

50 years of the hot hatch - featuring all the greats from the Mini that won Monte to the nine best of 2014
Per saperne di più leggere di meno

First launched in 1962, Car magazine is famed for its in-depth car reviews - putting rival cars up against each other, as well as it’s notorious ‘scoops’ releasing new car designs way ahead of their official release.

Originally titled as the Small Car and Mini Owner incorporating Sporting Driver, Car magazine was renamed in 1965 and became the most influential car magazine around. It initiated the highly respected ‘Car of the Year’ competition in the 1960s, with results decided upon by motoring journalists from across Europe.

Today, Car is still one of the most influential motoring magazines around and best-loved for its ‘The Good, The Bad and The Ugly’ car listing feature, with humorous yet insightful details on new cars. You’ll love the fascinating technology section - revealing the latest innovations that’ll change the way we think about cars forever.

Equally popular is the ‘Icon Buyer’ feature, with new vs. used shootouts. Pitting new cars against used to give you invaluable insights on which used cars will give you the best bang for your buck.

Whether you’re passionate about hot wheels, or you’re looking for help in buying a new or used car, then you’ll love a digital subscription to Car magazine.


A Car digital magazine subscription is a must-have for all car enthusiasts, you’ll enjoy:

  • A dedicated technology feature - revealing the latest innovations that’ll change the way we think about and use cars
  • Detailed, expert reviews of the newest cars pitted against their direct competitors
  • ‘The Good, The Bad and The Ugly’ feature, ranking all new cars on sale to help you make informed decisions - with an added bonus of humour
  • The ‘First Drives’ feature brings you exclusive detailed reviews, as we test drive the very latest cars around the world
  • Our fascinating ‘Icon Buyer’ feature, putting new cars up against used heroes
  • Delivered direct to your device every month

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Basato su 26 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Compared to the 1980s CAR, it is a shadow of its former self.

I really wish Car wasn't trying so hard to emulate that of Top Gear. It's the same fluffy articles that are more about fun than being informative. Bring back Car from the 1970s and 80s. Recensito 29 aprile 2022


A great publication - lots of great car reviews - brilliant! Recensito 19 luglio 2020

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