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Classic Truck (OLD) Magazine Classic Truck Spring 2013 Edizione posteriore

11 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Automotive)
There’s a theme running through
Classic Truck this issue, as we
mark ERF’s 80th anniversary.
But starting at the front, in the
news, we pay our respects to the late Michael
Banfield, announce a number of new shows,
and reveal a new ticketing system that’ll be
used at the Classic & Vintage Commercial
Vehicle Show, Gaydon to combat abuse. We
also take a look inside a Volvo F89 via video
link (all this starts on page 6).
Dave Bowers has managed to uncover a
man with a keen interest in saving Iveco
classics (page 14), who is building himself
quite an impressive collection.
We have an in-depth profile of ERF’s
A-series as part of our celebration of 80 years
of the Great British truck maker (page 20),
and talk to Rowland Ward, a builder and
ex-truck driver who has become obsessed
with restoring and showing classics –
particularly Swedish trucks (page 28).
Volvo’s Globetrotter is probably the cab all
others are compared to (see page 32).
Launched in 1979, it is still in production
today. Malta is a mecca for truck enthusiasts
as large numbers of classic trucks still run
there. Martin Phippard unearthed a tough
Scammell S24 there (page 36), which had
been converted from 6x4 to 8x4 to enable it
to carry heavier loads and work even harder!
In our picture-led feature Around & About,
Peter Davies shines the spotlight on trucks at
work in the 1990s (page 38), while Peter is
also responsible for our centre spread pic
(pages 42-43), which is a stunning shot of a
Tideswell’s Olympic-cabbed ERF EC11 going
about its business.
We pay another visit to Malta to see some
classics, this time with Ashley Lovering (page
54). Ashley’s wife set up a trip to Malta to give
him a break, and he’s been returning there
year after year ever since. His pictures are
from a visit to a specialist haulage company
running a fleet of classics that include ERF
and Volvo.
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Classic Truck (OLD)

Classic Truck Spring 2013 There’s a theme running through Classic Truck this issue, as we mark ERF’s 80th anniversary. But starting at the front, in the news, we pay our respects to the late Michael Banfield, announce a number of new shows, and reveal a new ticketing system that’ll be used at the Classic & Vintage Commercial Vehicle Show, Gaydon to combat abuse. We also take a look inside a Volvo F89 via video link (all this starts on page 6). Dave Bowers has managed to uncover a man with a keen interest in saving Iveco classics (page 14), who is building himself quite an impressive collection. We have an in-depth profile of ERF’s A-series as part of our celebration of 80 years of the Great British truck maker (page 20), and talk to Rowland Ward, a builder and ex-truck driver who has become obsessed with restoring and showing classics – particularly Swedish trucks (page 28). Volvo’s Globetrotter is probably the cab all others are compared to (see page 32). Launched in 1979, it is still in production today. Malta is a mecca for truck enthusiasts as large numbers of classic trucks still run there. Martin Phippard unearthed a tough Scammell S24 there (page 36), which had been converted from 6x4 to 8x4 to enable it to carry heavier loads and work even harder! In our picture-led feature Around & About, Peter Davies shines the spotlight on trucks at work in the 1990s (page 38), while Peter is also responsible for our centre spread pic (pages 42-43), which is a stunning shot of a Tideswell’s Olympic-cabbed ERF EC11 going about its business. We pay another visit to Malta to see some classics, this time with Ashley Lovering (page 54). Ashley’s wife set up a trip to Malta to give him a break, and he’s been returning there year after year ever since. His pictures are from a visit to a specialist haulage company running a fleet of classics that include ERF and Volvo.

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Issue Cover

Classic Truck (OLD)  |  Classic Truck Spring 2013  

There’s a theme running through
Classic Truck this issue, as we
mark ERF’s 80th anniversary.
But starting at the front, in the
news, we pay our respects to the late Michael
Banfield, announce a number of new shows,
and reveal a new ticketing system that’ll be
used at the Classic & Vintage Commercial
Vehicle Show, Gaydon to combat abuse. We
also take a look inside a Volvo F89 via video
link (all this starts on page 6).
Dave Bowers has managed to uncover a
man with a keen interest in saving Iveco
classics (page 14), who is building himself
quite an impressive collection.
We have an in-depth profile of ERF’s
A-series as part of our celebration of 80 years
of the Great British truck maker (page 20),
and talk to Rowland Ward, a builder and
ex-truck driver who has become obsessed
with restoring and showing classics –
particularly Swedish trucks (page 28).
Volvo’s Globetrotter is probably the cab all
others are compared to (see page 32).
Launched in 1979, it is still in production
today. Malta is a mecca for truck enthusiasts
as large numbers of classic trucks still run
there. Martin Phippard unearthed a tough
Scammell S24 there (page 36), which had
been converted from 6x4 to 8x4 to enable it
to carry heavier loads and work even harder!
In our picture-led feature Around & About,
Peter Davies shines the spotlight on trucks at
work in the 1990s (page 38), while Peter is
also responsible for our centre spread pic
(pages 42-43), which is a stunning shot of a
Tideswell’s Olympic-cabbed ERF EC11 going
about its business.
We pay another visit to Malta to see some
classics, this time with Ashley Lovering (page
54). Ashley’s wife set up a trip to Malta to give
him a break, and he’s been returning there
year after year ever since. His pictures are
from a visit to a specialist haulage company
running a fleet of classics that include ERF
and Volvo.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Take a trip down memory lane to the 1980s and 1990s and enjoy the range of features on trucking from this era through to more recent times. We look at Classics still at work, how they were received when new, and some rare examples of restored and well maintained lorries.

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Basato su 11 Recensioni dei clienti
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