Dancing Times  |  June 2022
June finally sees the arrival of summer in the UK and, after nearly two years of lockdown restrictions, its wonderful to see so many dance lovers beginning to spread their wings and start travelling to performances again, both in this country and abroad. In this month’s issue of Dancing Times, we also get the opportunity to travel, with features that take us to Europe, the US and Latin America. Gerald Dowler visits, in some unexpected ways, some famous names of the dance world in Paris, and Graham Spicer hears from principal dancers Nicoletta Manni and Timofej Andrijashenko, the wellestablished couple based at the Ballet of La Scala, Milan, who are also partners in real life. Fátima Nollén finds out about the Mexican inspiration behind Christopher Wheeldon’s new full-length work for The Royal Ballet, Like Water for Chocolate, which opens this month, and Margaret Willis talks to Kayla Collymore, who will be appearing in The Car Man with New Adventures at the Royal Albert Hall.
Finally, I would like to advise readers that from the beginning of next month, the cover price of the magazine will be raised to £4.50 per issue. This is due to the sharp rise in the cost of paper which has been affecting us since the end of last year. Subscription prices, however, remain the same until October, so why not look at pages 57 and 58 to find out the best subscriptions deals for you.
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Articoli in questo numero
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