Dancing Times  |  July 2022
The July edition of Dancing Times highlights some current and important issues within the dance world at large. Karen Berry, who has provided some thoughtprovoking articles for us in the past, this month asks if the dance profession is doing enough to challenge studio culture, both in schools and companies, whilst Matthew Paluch, in his Talking Point column, wonders if current professional dancers’ employment contracts are friend or foe in light of recent events within the UK’s dance sector. We would very much like to hear your thoughts on these subjects for further debate, so why not let us know what you think by emailing letters@dancing-times.co.uk?
Also in this issue, we find out the names of the winners at both the 2022 Blackpool Dance Festival and the National Dance Awards, and celebrate the career of Rudolf Nureyev, the man who, perhaps more than anyone else, brought dance to the wider public at large through his inspirational performances and staging of the Russian classics.
We also hear from director-choreographer Kathleen Marshall, whose hit production of the stage musical Anthing Goes returns to London this month, and from former Northern Ballet premier dancer Javier Torres, who recently retired from the stage.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Dancing Times July 2022.