Dancing Times  |  September 2022
It fills me with great sadness to write that this will be the last-ever issue of Dancing Times. Despite valiantly trying to recoup our losses in revenue since the coronavirus pandemic, we have come to the sad conclusion we simply cannot continue. The magazine has been such a wonderful, powerful and level-headed voice for dance since it was first published by Phillip J S Richardson in 1910 that, to many people, it must have seemed invincible. It certainly did under my predecessor and friend, Mary Clarke, who championed dance in all its forms and was passionate about good dance criticism and photography – something I hope I inherited from her.
Dancing Times has much to be proud of – it is, as far as I and the team are concerned, the best dance magazine there has ever been – and we celebrate everything it has achieved. It certainly feels like the end of an era to us. You can read some of the reactions from the dance profession to the announcement of our closure on page 14.
Determined to go out on a high, we have planned this month’s issue with special care. It includes some excellent interviews, a double helping of Dancer of the Month, and an extended Calendar section with dates that go up to December and beyond.
For any subscribers who wish to claim a refund for issues they will not now receive, please telephone the number printed below.
This leaves me just to say “thank you” to all our subscribers, readers, advertisers and friends, and to pay my grateful thanks to my wonderful colleagues, who have made working for Dancing Times such a great honour and a privilege.
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• Uno sconto sul prezzo di vendita della rivista
• La vostra rivista viene consegnata ogni mese sul vostro dispositivo
• Non perderete mai un numero
• Siete protetti dagli aumenti di prezzo che potrebbero verificarsi nel corso dell'anno
Riceverete 12 edizioni durante un periodo di 1 anno Dancing Times abbonamento alla rivista.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Dancing Times September 2022.