Dancing Times  |  May 2022
As the horrifying events of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continue, in this month’s issue of Dancing Times we discover how the world of dance has been reacting to the war with two articles covering both ballet and ballroom. Matthew Paluch and Nicola Rayner hear from dancers who have been directly affected by the situation, and we also find out ways in which we might be able to help.
Elsewhere in the magazine, we talk to former Royal Ballet principal Federico Bonelli, who has just become the new director of Northern Ballet; celebrate the 25th anniversary of Birmingham Royal Ballet’s Dance Track programme that has introduced thousands of young children to dance; and interview Argentinian tango dancer and director German Cornejo on the eve of the London premiere of his new show, Wild Tango, at the Peacock Theatre. Finally, I would like to pass on to our readers the news of the death of ballroom photographer Ron Self, whose pictures graced the pages of this magazine for many, many years. We send our sincere condolences to his wife, Sheila – we shall pay tribute to Ron in next month’s issue of Dancing Times.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Dancing Times May 2022.