Dancing Times  |  October 2021
I have some sad news to impart to you this month. Jack Anderson, who has been contributing to Dancing Times for 50 years as our regular New York correspondent, has decided to retire from writing about dance, and on page 57 of this issue he offers us his final “Notes from New York” column. It feels like the end of an era, one in which Jack has reported for us on all the exciting events taking place in one of the world’s great dance capitals. I’m very sad to see him go, but Jack has promised that, should he feel inspired, he may write the occasional article for us again in the future. Let’s hope so. This doesn’t, of course, mean the end of our coverage of performances from New York, and I’m happy to say that from next month onwards Leigh Witchel, who has already contributed to the magazine for a number of years, has agreed to take up the baton and continue the column. I’m sure you will all join me in wishing Jack a very happy retirement, and the best of luck to Leigh – he will, after all, have some big shoes to fill.
Elsewhere in the magazine, we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Ballet Black, discover the results of the delayed 2021 Blackpool Dance Festival, offer you a listing of where to learn to dance in the UK, and include an extract from Leanne Benjamin’s forthcoming autobiography.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Dancing Times October 2021.