Massage World  |  Massage World 113
8 Scar Therapy: Bridging the Gap in
Surgery&Trauma Recovery
There is evidence to show therapeutic interventions can
help reduce a range of scar tissue complications.
Emma Holly talks about scar tissue therapy in depth.
12 Headstarting With Corporate Massage
Massage is best served in person. Pauline Baxter explains the role of seated
massage in the workplace and how it can benefit mental health.
16 Real-Life Movement (part 3)
Does the anatomy you learned help you understand movement?
James Earls continues his series on Real-Life Movement.
22 The Syndrome Syndrome
ITB syndrome, piriformis syndrome, plantar fasciitis, to name but a few.
Where do these syndromes and names come from and how can we ever be
sure that what we are naming or blaming is really responsible for the problem
being presented? Asks Julian Baker.
24 The Future of Online Massage Competitions
Madelaine Winzer does a question and answer session with Damian
Leszczynski, the CEO of the Massage World Cup Community.
28 The Seven Secrets of Highly Successful Bodyworkers
Rachel Fairweather has 25 years of experience being a bodyworker and she
shares the seven qualities she believes all highly successful bodyworkers have
in common.
38 Are You Squatting Comfortably?
In this article, Owen Lewis explores and explains the movement pattern of the
squat to improve our fundamental skill of clinical questioning as we gather
information and solve problems.
47 The Jing Library
Susie Johnston looks at the effects of a six week course of online
treatment using the Jing Method of clinical massage on shoulder
pain in women after breast cancer surgery.
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