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Massage World Magazine Massage World 118 Edizione posteriore

6 Recensioni   •  English   •   Health & Fitness (Medical)
Only €3,49
Massage Mentor – Oncology Massage
As a massage therapist working with cancer there needs to be a greater depth of knowledge and the development of our hands on skills. Susan Findlay answers some interesting questions on the topic.

Does fascia hold memories? Part 1
Ruth Duncan looks at the fascial system and historical thinking that it stores memories.

Fascia & Movement
James Earls discusses fascia, movement and the important aspect of interdependency of body systems.

Beyond infinity
Owen Lewis discusses uncertainty, postural evaluation and the neural/dural system.

A bit more K.O.R.E
Sue Burgess delves into Kinesthetic Optimum Recovery & Enhancement (K.O.R.E) muscle testing.

Understanding and treating fibromyalgia through advanced massage techniques
Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) can be one of the most challenging conditons to treat as a complementary therapist.
Rachel Fairweather explores.

Designing the Massage Learnscape – Considering what matters most in Massage Therapy Education
Earle Abrahamson’s article looks at what we consider what matters most in Massage Therapy Education.

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Massage World

Massage World 118 Massage Mentor – Oncology Massage As a massage therapist working with cancer there needs to be a greater depth of knowledge and the development of our hands on skills. Susan Findlay answers some interesting questions on the topic. Does fascia hold memories? Part 1 Ruth Duncan looks at the fascial system and historical thinking that it stores memories. Fascia & Movement James Earls discusses fascia, movement and the important aspect of interdependency of body systems. Beyond infinity Owen Lewis discusses uncertainty, postural evaluation and the neural/dural system. A bit more K.O.R.E Sue Burgess delves into Kinesthetic Optimum Recovery & Enhancement (K.O.R.E) muscle testing. Understanding and treating fibromyalgia through advanced massage techniques Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) can be one of the most challenging conditons to treat as a complementary therapist. Rachel Fairweather explores. Designing the Massage Learnscape – Considering what matters most in Massage Therapy Education Earle Abrahamson’s article looks at what we consider what matters most in Massage Therapy Education.

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Issue Cover

Massage World  |  Massage World 118  

Massage Mentor – Oncology Massage
As a massage therapist working with cancer there needs to be a greater depth of knowledge and the development of our hands on skills. Susan Findlay answers some interesting questions on the topic.

Does fascia hold memories? Part 1
Ruth Duncan looks at the fascial system and historical thinking that it stores memories.

Fascia & Movement
James Earls discusses fascia, movement and the important aspect of interdependency of body systems.

Beyond infinity
Owen Lewis discusses uncertainty, postural evaluation and the neural/dural system.

A bit more K.O.R.E
Sue Burgess delves into Kinesthetic Optimum Recovery & Enhancement (K.O.R.E) muscle testing.

Understanding and treating fibromyalgia through advanced massage techniques
Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) can be one of the most challenging conditons to treat as a complementary therapist.
Rachel Fairweather explores.

Designing the Massage Learnscape – Considering what matters most in Massage Therapy Education
Earle Abrahamson’s article looks at what we consider what matters most in Massage Therapy Education.

Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Welcome to Massage World, a UK magazine with a national and international audience ofmassage and bodywork professionals, students and those with a general interestinmassage therapy. We will keep you up to date with the latest news and techniques in themassage world.

Today there is an increasing awareness that massage therapy plays an important role inholistic health care. We are happy to be part of this more enlightened approachWith articles on new and established techniques, business information, professional trendsand regular features from experienced practitioners in the field, we keep our subscribers intouch with their work, their clients and their own health.Massage World is an active supporter of the General Council for Massage Therapy and it’srole in establishing Voluntary Self Regulation for the profession.

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Basato su 6 Recensioni dei clienti
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Great magazine Recensito 23 gennaio 2023

Massage World

Good info for those interested in massage Recensito 25 febbraio 2021

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