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Simply Vegan Magazine Nov 2019 Edizione posteriore

16 Recensioni   •  English   •   Food & Drink (Vegetarian & Vegan)
Simply Vegan has a fresh new look! We've improved our recipes, making them quicker and easier, and tailored our features to inform you on all aspects of your vegan lifestyle – including health, ethics and environmental issues.

This issue, we bring you the tastiest 30-minute meals to take the stress out of cooking, along with easy on-the-go lunches and snacks plus meals that cost less than £2 per portion. We also meet Beyoncé's nutritionist, Marco Borges, who helped the singer go vegan.

Also in our exciting new issue:
• How to spread the word this World Vegan Month
• You v Climate Crisis: find out what you can do to help
• 6 of the best vegan-friendly retreats
• On test: mock meats
• Antioxidants: what are they and how do they help us?
• How to fuel your fitness on a vegan diet
• Autumn fashion: the best cruelty-free brands
• Vegan beauty news and skincare buys
• Singer Gabrielle Aplin talks animal rights
• WIN! An Italian eco break worth £1,300!
Simply Vegan Preview PagesSimply Vegan Preview Pages

Simply Vegan

Nov 2019 Simply Vegan has a fresh new look! We've improved our recipes, making them quicker and easier, and tailored our features to inform you on all aspects of your vegan lifestyle – including health, ethics and environmental issues. This issue, we bring you the tastiest 30-minute meals to take the stress out of cooking, along with easy on-the-go lunches and snacks plus meals that cost less than £2 per portion. We also meet Beyoncé's nutritionist, Marco Borges, who helped the singer go vegan. Also in our exciting new issue: • How to spread the word this World Vegan Month • You v Climate Crisis: find out what you can do to help • 6 of the best vegan-friendly retreats • On test: mock meats • Antioxidants: what are they and how do they help us? • How to fuel your fitness on a vegan diet • Autumn fashion: the best cruelty-free brands • Vegan beauty news and skincare buys • Singer Gabrielle Aplin talks animal rights • WIN! An Italian eco break worth £1,300!

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Basato su 16 Recensioni dei clienti
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Simply Vegan

So sorry you are closing. I have bought the last issue with sadness and I hope to see the magazine revived in the future. in my opinion, it is the best vegan mag on the market for the non-activist quiet vegan who just wants help with knowing what is out there and a non preachy way of considering issues in a vegan life. Recensito 07 aprile 2020

Full of tasty ideas

Never disappoints always full of great articles particularly during the festive season Recensito 16 novembre 2019

Always a good read

Great recipes Recensito 25 luglio 2019

Very mouth-watering

Full of great recipes Recensito 24 luglio 2019

One of the best

Thoroughly entertaining Recensito 23 luglio 2019
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