Tabletop Gaming  |  September 2021 [#58]
• The Dark Crystal Adventure Game – Bringing the adventure to Thra as you and your friends have 100 days to save the world. What are you waiting for Gelfling?
• The Horned Rat – The Enemy Within campaign ramps up, and digs down, as we get to meet the Skaven and their under-empire
• Vagrantsong – A boss-battling train-hopping game drenched in the weird folklore of the Southern USA. Throw in 1920’s style rubber hose artwork, and you’ve got a unique adventure ahead.
• Endless Winter: Paleoamericans – Stan Kordonskiy brings us another slice of blurry history, this time set in 10,000 BC in North America.
• Lands of Galzyr – explore a rich and excessively storied world in the new game from Sami Laasko
AND Reviews, Reviews, Reviews! – We rate and review some of the biggest games of the year, including: Jaws of the Lion, Equinox, Descent: Legends of the Dark, The Horned Rat, Fired Up, Tinners Trail Second Edition, and What Next?
• Explore the world of The Dark Crystal up close
• Hear the full Horned Rat Interview
• See more of the Lands of Galzyr
• Video Enhanced Reviews
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Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Tabletop Gaming September 2021 [#58].