The Artist  |  April 2012
Watercolourists will enjoy Jake Winkle's focus on shape, form and tone this month, plus Nick Poullis offers advice on choosing the right watercolour paper for your work. Learn from the experience of Masterclass artist John Hunt, how to draw horses with Eva Dutton, and be inspired by Hugo Grenville's inside-out compositions. We discuss the benefits of working with charcoal, report on the new Derwent Artbars, offer tips on copyright, choosing colours for a basic palette, and Glyn Macey sets a 30-minute painting challenge that guarantees to help loosen you up! With all the latest news, competitions to enter and focus on the prestigious Threadneedle Prize, you won't want to miss this latest issue of the practical magazine for artists, by artists!
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in The Artist April 2012.