The Artist  |  August 2013
Push the boundaries of watercolour this month with advice from mixed-media expert Chris Forsey. Traditional watercolourists will enjoy the practical features on drawing with the brush by Jake Winkle, how to capture the essence of a scene by cover artist John Somerscales, and create convincing reflections by Winston Oh. Haidee-Jo Summers takes to the outdoors to loosen up and paint in oils alla prima; Glyn Macey recreates a composition in the style of Stanhope Forbes, and Jackie Simmonds advises on how best to use soft and hard pastels. With interviews with top professional artists Phyllis Wolff and Alan Reed providing insights into their working methods, our spotlight on an artist-run co-operative gallery, and tips on how to use social networks to promote your work, amongst all the usual regular information and features, there's something to inspire everyone in this issue! Don't miss out!
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in The Artist August 2013.