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Woodcarving Magazine March/April 2016 Edizione posteriore

128 Recensioni   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Woodworking)
Only €5,99
Issue 149 of Woodcarving magazine is filled with a host of great articles for you. Jean Grace embarks on her second carving project with this hedgehog design; Steve Bisco carves a ‘medieval’ masterpiece in fumed oak; Mike Wood makes a red grouse; and Duane Cartwright carves a carp. All these and more in our ‘Projects’ section.
In ‘Features’ Bruce Weier tells us about carving decorations for a replica gypsy wagon; we go In the workshop with Peter Walwin; and we look at Stefanie Rocknak’s The Biker.
We have some great ‘Techniques’ pieces for you, such as Andrew Thomas’ asymmetrical sculpture, The Line, Loop and Circle; Lonnie Bird carves a simple decorative shell; Bob Jubb shares his ideas for carving baby rabbits; David Western ties up the carving process; and Peter Benson looks at whether cleaning up old tools is really worth it.
We also have our usual ‘Tests’ section, with the Carver’s Toolbag, and our ‘Community’ pages, featuring from the Editor, club profile and a peek at our next issue.
All this and more in Woodcarving magazine 149!
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March/April 2016 Issue 149 of Woodcarving magazine is filled with a host of great articles for you. Jean Grace embarks on her second carving project with this hedgehog design; Steve Bisco carves a ‘medieval’ masterpiece in fumed oak; Mike Wood makes a red grouse; and Duane Cartwright carves a carp. All these and more in our ‘Projects’ section. In ‘Features’ Bruce Weier tells us about carving decorations for a replica gypsy wagon; we go In the workshop with Peter Walwin; and we look at Stefanie Rocknak’s The Biker. We have some great ‘Techniques’ pieces for you, such as Andrew Thomas’ asymmetrical sculpture, The Line, Loop and Circle; Lonnie Bird carves a simple decorative shell; Bob Jubb shares his ideas for carving baby rabbits; David Western ties up the carving process; and Peter Benson looks at whether cleaning up old tools is really worth it. We also have our usual ‘Tests’ section, with the Carver’s Toolbag, and our ‘Community’ pages, featuring from the Editor, club profile and a peek at our next issue. All this and more in Woodcarving magazine 149!

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Issue Cover

Woodcarving  |  March/April 2016  

Issue 149 of Woodcarving magazine is filled with a host of great articles for you. Jean Grace embarks on her second carving project with this hedgehog design; Steve Bisco carves a ‘medieval’ masterpiece in fumed oak; Mike Wood makes a red grouse; and Duane Cartwright carves a carp. All these and more in our ‘Projects’ section.
In ‘Features’ Bruce Weier tells us about carving decorations for a replica gypsy wagon; we go In the workshop with Peter Walwin; and we look at Stefanie Rocknak’s The Biker.
We have some great ‘Techniques’ pieces for you, such as Andrew Thomas’ asymmetrical sculpture, The Line, Loop and Circle; Lonnie Bird carves a simple decorative shell; Bob Jubb shares his ideas for carving baby rabbits; David Western ties up the carving process; and Peter Benson looks at whether cleaning up old tools is really worth it.
We also have our usual ‘Tests’ section, with the Carver’s Toolbag, and our ‘Community’ pages, featuring from the Editor, club profile and a peek at our next issue.
All this and more in Woodcarving magazine 149!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Woodcarving is a truly international title that focuses on the art and techniques of carving as practised all over the world. The magazine is a blend of inspiration and instruction, with fascinating features about prized and historic examples of the craft. Published six times a year, Woodcarving contains a diverse mix of illustrated step-by-step projects and techniques to help readers improve their skills. Readers’ work from the UK and abroad is included in every issue, helping to convey the magazine as an important home for the global carving community.

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Basato su 128 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni


Outstanding Magazine. Although, Has the tendency for too many articles on carving animals. Recensito 18 febbraio 2021


I would like to see more from women carvers. Very much enjoy the magazine Recensito 18 marzo 2020

Great for professionals

Lots of lessons Recensito 24 luglio 2019

Very inspiring

Full of ideas Recensito 23 luglio 2019

Never disappoints

Shelving at its best Recensito 20 luglio 2019

Articoli in questo numero

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