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Woodturning Magazine March 2012 Edizione posteriore

382 Recensioni   •  English   •   Hobbies & Crafts (Woodworking)
Only €5,99
Woodturning is read by turning enthusiasts in over 60 countries worldwide and is packed with projects, features on turners around the world, tests and reviews, as well as news, letters and tips. Our projects cater for varying levels of ability, so there is something for everyone, from beginner to professional.

The March issue contains a host of projects for you to make including a resin bowl and platter; an open segment lampshade; contemporary Scottish targe; flame-inspired open form; a fumed and textured oak bowl and five bowl designs for you to try. In terms of techniques, Michael O’Donnell takes you through the steps for making your own tiered egg stand.

The features section includes part five of Richard Findley’s series of a year in the life of a professional woodturner; Tegan Foley visits St. Dunstan’s, a charity set up for partially sighted ex servicemen and women, before she spends 20 minutes finding out more about Robert F. Lyon. Lastly, Jim Sannerud shares one of his functional ale bowls with us.

In terms of kit and tools, we have a host of new products for your workshop; we look at the new Carter Hollow Roller and the Beall Tools 3-on-Lathe Buffing Mandrel Kit.

All this and more in issue 237!
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March 2012 Woodturning is read by turning enthusiasts in over 60 countries worldwide and is packed with projects, features on turners around the world, tests and reviews, as well as news, letters and tips. Our projects cater for varying levels of ability, so there is something for everyone, from beginner to professional. The March issue contains a host of projects for you to make including a resin bowl and platter; an open segment lampshade; contemporary Scottish targe; flame-inspired open form; a fumed and textured oak bowl and five bowl designs for you to try. In terms of techniques, Michael O’Donnell takes you through the steps for making your own tiered egg stand. The features section includes part five of Richard Findley’s series of a year in the life of a professional woodturner; Tegan Foley visits St. Dunstan’s, a charity set up for partially sighted ex servicemen and women, before she spends 20 minutes finding out more about Robert F. Lyon. Lastly, Jim Sannerud shares one of his functional ale bowls with us. In terms of kit and tools, we have a host of new products for your workshop; we look at the new Carter Hollow Roller and the Beall Tools 3-on-Lathe Buffing Mandrel Kit. All this and more in issue 237!

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Woodturning issue March 2012

Woodturning  |  March 2012  

Woodturning is read by turning enthusiasts in over 60 countries worldwide and is packed with projects, features on turners around the world, tests and reviews, as well as news, letters and tips. Our projects cater for varying levels of ability, so there is something for everyone, from beginner to professional.

The March issue contains a host of projects for you to make including a resin bowl and platter; an open segment lampshade; contemporary Scottish targe; flame-inspired open form; a fumed and textured oak bowl and five bowl designs for you to try. In terms of techniques, Michael O’Donnell takes you through the steps for making your own tiered egg stand.

The features section includes part five of Richard Findley’s series of a year in the life of a professional woodturner; Tegan Foley visits St. Dunstan’s, a charity set up for partially sighted ex servicemen and women, before she spends 20 minutes finding out more about Robert F. Lyon. Lastly, Jim Sannerud shares one of his functional ale bowls with us.

In terms of kit and tools, we have a host of new products for your workshop; we look at the new Carter Hollow Roller and the Beall Tools 3-on-Lathe Buffing Mandrel Kit.

All this and more in issue 237!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Woodturning is the world’s best-selling magazine for woodturners. Read by turning enthusiasts in over 60 countries worldwide, Woodturning is packed with easy to follow practical projects, and essential advice for both the hobby woodturner and the professional. Every issue includes features on turners around the world, plus well-illustrated techniques, news, reader feedback, detailed tests and reviews. Woodturning excels at appealing to the club community of its readers and actively encourages reader participation in its pages.

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Basato su 382 Recensioni dei clienti
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Great for lessons and ideas about projects to make. Recensito 14 febbraio 2025

Highly entertaining

Really great for all those interested in Woodworking Recensito 19 aprile 2022


When I started woodturning this was a very educational place to learn. Great information Recensito 04 novembre 2021


Interesting content and projects, excellent photos and illustrations, suitable for many levels of turners. Recensito 26 febbraio 2021


Great publication. Recensito 31 dicembre 2020

Articoli in questo numero

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