Choosing and then carrying a Yule log home to take part in the Christmas celebrations is something that goes back many centuries. It may have been part of pre-Christian solstice times and was then incorporated into Christian celebrations. While our celebrations go on for many days, even weeks, this would have been an important part of the age-old celebrations and a start of the holiday.
It was collected on Christmas Eve and brought into the homestead by the men of the family who were then rewarded with free beer! It would have been sprinkled with salt, spices and wine. Often a small piece of theYule log was kept from one year to next ensuring the coming year was one of health, wealth and protection from evil.
You will need
□ Craft sticks
□ Thin metal (either use a foil container from a take-away meal or the case that holds night lights) n PVA glue
□ Thin cord
□ Cold tea
□ Hacksaw or mitre snips n Hobby drill
□ Sandpaper
□ Metal safety ruler
□ Craft knife