We’re long past the days when restaurant menus revolved solely around stalwarts Italian, Indian and Chinese. Enter newest recruit: West African. The spicy, succulent dishes – think Jollof rice, roasted plantain and gingery Scotch bonnet stews – from countries like Senegal, Ghana and Nigeria have proved a hit this year. Meanwhile, the success of hero restaurants Ikoyi and Zoe’s Ghana Kitchen, both in London, has brought the African food revolution to the fore. The health-conscious are getting on-board, too – adaptogen moringa is traditionally used in West African food. Anti-inflammatories and antioxidant-rich spices cumin and paprika contribute to healthy blood pressure; ginger and nutmeg help soothe the digestive system; and piper guineense (West African black pepper) has free-radical fighting flavonoids. Want to start your own West African kitchen? Stock up on all the above spices, a handful of Scotch bonnets, plus plenty of peanut butter.