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Fibromyalgia Magazine Fibromyalgia Magazine Jan. 2014 Edizione posteriore

245 Recensioni   •  English   •   Health & Fitness (Medical)
Only €2,49
Happy New Year to All our Readers: Supporting the Support- Six pages featuring, Spotlight on the Groups, Fundraising, New Groups, Letters, Research request and “Does your Group need a grant?”
2013: A Review of the FM Research year By Bailey Farstad
New Columnist - The Producer’s Notes By Paul Harvard Evans
Lifestyle Resolutions for 2014 By David Jenkin
Fibromyalgia and Reflexology – might it help with my symptoms?
Does your personality affect how you experience pain? By Maria Webb
The Art of Letting Go By Lisa Lorden Myers
“There’s no such thing as Fibromyalgia” –yes there is!
How Your Phone’s Speed Dial Links to Your New Year’s Resolution Success By Sue Ingebretson
Food glorious food –or is it? By Helen Watts
A Fresh Start By Jan Sadler
Tea based Recipes By Christine Craggs Hinton
Communicating on the digital side of Fibromyalgia Magazine By Pam Wright
Full Page Cartoon from Cathy Thorne
Legal Questions answered by Brian Barr
New Section - Join the Fibromyalgia FaMily
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Fibromyalgia Magazine Preview Pages Fibromyalgia Magazine Preview Pages Fibromyalgia Magazine Preview Pages Fibromyalgia Magazine Preview Pages Fibromyalgia Magazine Preview Pages Fibromyalgia Magazine Preview Pages Fibromyalgia Magazine Preview Pages Fibromyalgia Magazine Preview Pages

Fibromyalgia Magazine

Fibromyalgia Magazine Jan. 2014 Happy New Year to All our Readers: Supporting the Support- Six pages featuring, Spotlight on the Groups, Fundraising, New Groups, Letters, Research request and “Does your Group need a grant?” 2013: A Review of the FM Research year By Bailey Farstad New Columnist - The Producer’s Notes By Paul Harvard Evans Lifestyle Resolutions for 2014 By David Jenkin Fibromyalgia and Reflexology – might it help with my symptoms? Does your personality affect how you experience pain? By Maria Webb The Art of Letting Go By Lisa Lorden Myers “There’s no such thing as Fibromyalgia” –yes there is! How Your Phone’s Speed Dial Links to Your New Year’s Resolution Success By Sue Ingebretson Food glorious food –or is it? By Helen Watts A Fresh Start By Jan Sadler Tea based Recipes By Christine Craggs Hinton Communicating on the digital side of Fibromyalgia Magazine By Pam Wright Full Page Cartoon from Cathy Thorne Legal Questions answered by Brian Barr New Section - Join the Fibromyalgia FaMily

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Issue Cover

Fibromyalgia Magazine  |  Fibromyalgia Magazine Jan. 2014  

Happy New Year to All our Readers: Supporting the Support- Six pages featuring, Spotlight on the Groups, Fundraising, New Groups, Letters, Research request and “Does your Group need a grant?”
2013: A Review of the FM Research year By Bailey Farstad
New Columnist - The Producer’s Notes By Paul Harvard Evans
Lifestyle Resolutions for 2014 By David Jenkin
Fibromyalgia and Reflexology – might it help with my symptoms?
Does your personality affect how you experience pain? By Maria Webb
The Art of Letting Go By Lisa Lorden Myers
“There’s no such thing as Fibromyalgia” –yes there is!
How Your Phone’s Speed Dial Links to Your New Year’s Resolution Success By Sue Ingebretson
Food glorious food –or is it? By Helen Watts
A Fresh Start By Jan Sadler
Tea based Recipes By Christine Craggs Hinton
Communicating on the digital side of Fibromyalgia Magazine By Pam Wright
Full Page Cartoon from Cathy Thorne
Legal Questions answered by Brian Barr
New Section - Join the Fibromyalgia FaMily
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Fibromyalgia Magazine is a monthly 28 page magazine that has been providing support for the worldwide fibromyalgia FaMily since October 2000.

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a widespread musculoskeletal pain and fatigue disorder probably caused by a dysfunction of endogenous pain regulation leading to amplification of pain signals from all over the body. Studies demonstrate that FM in the general population has a prevalence ranging from 1.3 to 7.3 per cent.
Every month for over 10 years we have been trying to answer all the questions that a fibromyalgia sufferer may ask; be it a newly diagnosed patient or a long term FM’er looking for help with pain relief, fatigue or any other associated problem.

Medical Research News
Awareness Raising
Legal Advice
Benefits Advice
Worldwide news
News from local support groups and charities
Treatment Advice
Pharmaceutical News
Alternative Therapies
Pain Management
On line directory of all support groups and phone friends
A nationwide directory of FM resources
Opinion and Entertainment from our unrivalled team of columnists

UK Fibromyalgia are committed to ensuring that all people with fibromyalgia have access to fast and accurate diagnosis, that they receive effective evidence based treatments and that they are not discriminated against because of their condition.

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Basato su 245 Recensioni dei clienti
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Very informative

Lots of interesting articles on this health condition Recensito 25 aprile 2022

Recommended Reading for Fibromyalgia Sufferers

Recommended Reading for Fibromyalgia Sufferers like myself, lot of advice on coping with Fibromyalgia Recensito 25 febbraio 2021

Fibromyalgia Magazine

I live in the US and although I enjoy reading some of the articles, the information is also provided in some USA based Fibromyalgia groups and publications that offer a closer to home feel. I admit reading some of the articles inspires me to visit some areas discussed! Nothing negative intended! I've enjoyed getting the magazine for the past year but with finances tight, won't be renewing. Thanks! Recensito 20 febbraio 2021

Fibromyalgia Magazine

I regularly recommend the magazine to clients, as articles are often very pertinent and relatable, as they are written by individuals who are in their shoes. It also helps me relate better to my clients.

Great magazine! Thank you!
Recensito 17 novembre 2020

Fibromyalgia Magazine

Totally awesome magazine as per usual :) the articles are generally very positive and upbeat! Recensito 30 maggio 2020

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Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Fibromyalgia Magazine Fibromyalgia Magazine Jan. 2014.

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