Jets  |  No.29 LIGHTNING! Celebrating 60 Years
Those who know me would
probably say I’m a fairly organised
person; you have to be when you
do a job like this.
However, when it comes to overseas
travel I’m especially organised – some would
say verging on OCD! I like to have a folder
with all the paperwork, confirmations,
bookings, directions and contact numbers
planned well in advance. However, in March
I ‘took my eye off the ball’ slightly and found
myself in Canada at short notice without
having the opportunity to do my ‘homework.’
Beavers & Otters
Dr Jones (a.k.a. Mrs Bridgewater) was
attending a conference in Vanvouver and the
chance arose for me to join her. However,
the prospect of sitting through a ‘Controlling
Hypertension in Pregnancy Study’ on the first
day really didn’t appeal so I elected to make
my own entertainment!
However, my plans for a lazy morning
were rudely awaken by the sound of
aeroplane noise. You can imagine my surprise
when I opened the hotel room curtains and
looked down on the Harbour Air seaplane
base! Needless to say my day’s entertainment
involved playing with lovely Beavers and
turboprop Otters – more of which in the
next issue…
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