The 2018 Kent and Sussex Poetry Competition is inviting entries. The competition will be judged by poet Helen Ivory. There is a first prize of £1,000, a second prize of £300 and a third prize of £100. Four runners-up will each win £50.
Send original, unpublished poems, up to forty lines. Entries may be in any style or form and on any subject. Type each entry on single sides of A4. The writer’s name must not appear on the manuscript. Poems may be entered by post or by email. Email entries should be doc files. Postal entrants, include a separate sheet with contact details, poem titles and information about where you heard about the competition. Email entrants should include this information, and the PayPal reference, in a separate attachment from the poems.
The entry fee is £5 for one poem, £10 for two, £12 for three, £16 for four and £20 for five. Pay this by cheques made out to Kent & Sussex Poetry Society or by PayPal.
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