I have been trying to find an ideal way of actually writing my first novel while also dealing with my journo stuff. Do I create best in the morning? Or at night? Maybe during the long afternoons? Do I rise early, make coffee and then head straight for my so-called study? Or do I shower, eat, exercise, nap, and then sit down to write? And for how long? Two hours? Three? Four? Or more? Or even less? Do I create a literary work sitting at my laptop or do I, in my mind, create elsewhere – walking in the countryside perhaps - and then sitting down to put on paper, or feed into my computer, what I have already created internally?
What are the differences between writing a truly literary novel and writing what Graham Greene called ‘an entertainment’? I ask myself if my most profound thoughts and my deepest feelings are a response to the world about me, or simply the result of surveying the wreckage of my third marriage? Is a series of broken marriages the stuff of entertainment? Even comedy? Don’t ask me. And for God’s sake don’t ask my ex-wives.
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