SIBERIAN AERONAUTICAL Research Institute (SibNIA) has been asked by MIAT Mongolian Airlines, to upgrade the carrier’s fleet of Antonov An-2 biplanes with turboprop engines. The work, which will bring around 20 airframes up to the latest TVS-2MS standard, includes replacing the existing piston engine with a Honeywell TPE331, fitting a new aerodynamic engine cowling and various interior improvements.
Speaking to Russian Aviation Insider, SibNIA Director Vladimir Barsuk hoped the first Mongolian TVS-2MS would be flying before the year-end. A joint project team is already working on An-2s being modified at MIAT’s base in Ulaanbaatar, but MIAT is planning to find a Mongolian MRO provider to eventually become an accredited AN-2 maintenance organisation with the right approvals to modernise the rest of the fleet.
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