Black+White Photography  |  July 2014
In this month’s B+W Olivia Parker shares her imaginative, narrative-led pictures; master of wet plate collodion Borut Peterlin reveals the magic of when tradition meets modernity; we enter Roger Ballen’s dark and theatrical world and take a look at one of the most legendary street photographers: Henri Cartier-Bresson.
• We showcase winning monochrome garden pictures organised by the team at International Garden Photographer of the Year.
• Susan Burnstine finds out more about Ave Pildas’ mesmerising work and Gail von Bergen-Ryan braves the B+W hot seat in 60-Second Exposure.
• John Dooley discovers works alongside another photographer and Lee Frost hunts for new views at the Natural History Museum.
• Eddie Ephraums explores how a state of calm can help us make visual connections and Tim Clinch chooses his three favourite Lightroom tools.
• On test this month are the impressive Sony A7 and A7R cameras, and six of the best photo recovery software.
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Riceverete 12 edizioni durante un periodo di 1 anno Black+White Photography abbonamento alla rivista.
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Black+White Photography July 2014.