Dancing Times  |  March 2013
In this bumper issue of Dancing Times, you will find a wide range of up-to-date news, interviews, features, and reviews that reflect the many aspects of the UK dance scene. On page 23, we publish the results of the Critics’ Circle National Dance Awards for 2012, and on page 25, Daniel Pratt considers what makes that intrepid dance company, Ballet Black, so special in the run-up to its new spring season. Gerald Dowler talks to Birmingham Royal Ballet principal Natasha Oughtred about her career on page 14, illustrated with some specially-commissioned photographs by former dancer Tim Cross, and on page 41 we publish the first part of our A Level Study Aid on Jerome Robbins’ West Side Story. Finally, I would like to say “welcome” to all the visitors to MOVE IT 2013, the annual dance exhibition held at London’s Olympia, who might be seeing this magazine there for the very first time. We hope they like what they see!
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Dancing Times March 2013.