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Great British Food Magazine Autumn 22 Edizione posteriore

6 Recensioni   •  English   •   Family & Home (Food & Cooking)
What does comfort food mean to you? For me, it’s all about those tastes and smells that transport you back to another time, whether it's a reassuringly bland childhood meal or something you enjoyed on a really memorable holiday. I don’t think I’m alone when I say The Great British Bake Off never fails to give me that warm and fuzzy feeling we seem to crave as the nights draw in, so to celebrate the start of the new series we’ve got 20 pages of recipes from our favourite Bake Off stars. Jump to p.19 for Paul Hollywood’s perfect scones and Victoria sponge, Edd Kimber’s irresistible chocolate cookies and Nadiya Hussain’s easy no-knead loaf
Great British Food Preview PagesGreat British Food Preview Pages

Great British Food

Autumn 22 What does comfort food mean to you? For me, it’s all about those tastes and smells that transport you back to another time, whether it's a reassuringly bland childhood meal or something you enjoyed on a really memorable holiday. I don’t think I’m alone when I say The Great British Bake Off never fails to give me that warm and fuzzy feeling we seem to crave as the nights draw in, so to celebrate the start of the new series we’ve got 20 pages of recipes from our favourite Bake Off stars. Jump to p.19 for Paul Hollywood’s perfect scones and Victoria sponge, Edd Kimber’s irresistible chocolate cookies and Nadiya Hussain’s easy no-knead loaf

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