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Jets Magazine Jets February 2012 Edizione posteriore

2 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Aviation)
I hope you had a wonderful
Christmas and are raring for
2012. It’s going to be a very
memorable year for readers
in the UK with a number of
important aviation anniversaries to
celebrate and the Olympic circus
coming to town. Whether you are
pro- or anti-Olympics, the simple
fact is that there are now just a few
months until our lives turn upside
down with the excitement and/or
chaos associated with the largest
sporting event in the world.
But what is the relevance to
Jets Monthly I hear you ask? Well,
to ensure the safety of both
competitors and visitors, a number
of ‘No Fly Zones’ are to be
established over much of southern
England for the duration of the
games. These will limit the freedom
of pilots and have a knock-on
effect around the country. The
government has indicated that
airspace restrictions will be placed
around all UK Games venues,
although the major restrictions
will be centred on London and the
Olympic Park and will run from July
14 until August 15. A smaller set of
airspace restrictions will then be
put in place for the London 2012
Paralympic Games from August 16
until September 12.
According to the CAA: “Aircraft
will not be allowed within the
Prohibited Zone unless they have
undergone crew, passengers and
baggage screening in accordance
with the relevant aviation security
programme, and inbound to or
outbound from Heathrow, London
City, RAF Northolt, Biggin Hill
and under the control of those
airports or NATS TC or Thames
Radar. They must also meet all
the requirements to enter the
Restricted Zone. The existing
airfields at White Waltham,
Denham, Fairoaks and London
Heliport will be provided with
exemptions to allow both IFR and
VFR operations to and from the
Restricted Zone. To comply with
this exemption all aircraft will need
to comply with the requirements
to operate in the Restricted Zone.”
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Jets February 2012 I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and are raring for 2012. It’s going to be a very memorable year for readers in the UK with a number of important aviation anniversaries to celebrate and the Olympic circus coming to town. Whether you are pro- or anti-Olympics, the simple fact is that there are now just a few months until our lives turn upside down with the excitement and/or chaos associated with the largest sporting event in the world. But what is the relevance to Jets Monthly I hear you ask? Well, to ensure the safety of both competitors and visitors, a number of ‘No Fly Zones’ are to be established over much of southern England for the duration of the games. These will limit the freedom of pilots and have a knock-on effect around the country. The government has indicated that airspace restrictions will be placed around all UK Games venues, although the major restrictions will be centred on London and the Olympic Park and will run from July 14 until August 15. A smaller set of airspace restrictions will then be put in place for the London 2012 Paralympic Games from August 16 until September 12. Prohibited According to the CAA: “Aircraft will not be allowed within the Prohibited Zone unless they have undergone crew, passengers and baggage screening in accordance with the relevant aviation security programme, and inbound to or outbound from Heathrow, London City, RAF Northolt, Biggin Hill and under the control of those airports or NATS TC or Thames Radar. They must also meet all the requirements to enter the Restricted Zone. The existing airfields at White Waltham, Denham, Fairoaks and London Heliport will be provided with exemptions to allow both IFR and VFR operations to and from the Restricted Zone. To comply with this exemption all aircraft will need to comply with the requirements to operate in the Restricted Zone.”

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Issue Cover

Jets  |  Jets February 2012  

I hope you had a wonderful
Christmas and are raring for
2012. It’s going to be a very
memorable year for readers
in the UK with a number of
important aviation anniversaries to
celebrate and the Olympic circus
coming to town. Whether you are
pro- or anti-Olympics, the simple
fact is that there are now just a few
months until our lives turn upside
down with the excitement and/or
chaos associated with the largest
sporting event in the world.
But what is the relevance to
Jets Monthly I hear you ask? Well,
to ensure the safety of both
competitors and visitors, a number
of ‘No Fly Zones’ are to be
established over much of southern
England for the duration of the
games. These will limit the freedom
of pilots and have a knock-on
effect around the country. The
government has indicated that
airspace restrictions will be placed
around all UK Games venues,
although the major restrictions
will be centred on London and the
Olympic Park and will run from July
14 until August 15. A smaller set of
airspace restrictions will then be
put in place for the London 2012
Paralympic Games from August 16
until September 12.
According to the CAA: “Aircraft
will not be allowed within the
Prohibited Zone unless they have
undergone crew, passengers and
baggage screening in accordance
with the relevant aviation security
programme, and inbound to or
outbound from Heathrow, London
City, RAF Northolt, Biggin Hill
and under the control of those
airports or NATS TC or Thames
Radar. They must also meet all
the requirements to enter the
Restricted Zone. The existing
airfields at White Waltham,
Denham, Fairoaks and London
Heliport will be provided with
exemptions to allow both IFR and
VFR operations to and from the
Restricted Zone. To comply with
this exemption all aircraft will need
to comply with the requirements
to operate in the Restricted Zone.”
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Each issue of Jets brings you a broad mix of content ranging from the early war-time and experimental jet aircraft, through the cold war fighters and civil developments, bringing you right up-to-date with modern news and the preservation scene

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Basato su 2 Recensioni dei clienti
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Can we have more?

Just found this one recently and am only disappointed that it only comes out six times a year. The other ones I get are monthly. Recensito 16 luglio 2013

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