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Jets Magazine Jets January 2012 Edizione posteriore

2 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Aviation)
As another year draws to a
close it is time to reflect
on what has been an
interesting and challenging
time for the aviation industry.
However it would be all too
easy for me to sit in my office and
bemoan defence cuts or complain
about ‘double-dip’ recessions. The
truth of the matter, as this issue
of Jets Monthly proves ably, is that
aviation is far from the doldrums and
our collective depression is perhaps
uncalled for.
Just looking at the news pages this
month and observing the numerous
stories about airliner sales – some
of which are record orders for
their respective airlines and even
the manufacturers – one is left
wondering if the airline bosses know
something the accountants do not.
With talk of a worsening financial
crisis around the world and escalating
fuel prices one would perhaps expect
the airlines to be tightening their
collective belts, so to see massive
orders for new machinery is an
unexpected and welcome surprise.
Yes there are tales of woe from
the airline market too with Astraeus
Airlines going into administration
in November due to “lower than
expected” summer business and
Thomas Cook shares losing about
three quarters of their value after
the company announced it was in
talks with its banks about increasing
borrowing by some £100 million.
But despite this Airbus, Boeing and
countless smaller manufacturers
confidently predict impressive levels
of demand for newer, bigger and
more efficient airliners. I guess only
time will tell?
It is not just the commercial
aviation world that has something to
celebrate. The RAF’s historic IV Sqn
has just reformed and the UK’s first
Joint Strike Fighter has rolled out of
the factory in the USA. This month
we welcome Dr Dave Sloggett to our
happy band of regular contributors
and his fascinating in-depth analysis of
Operation Ellamy in Libya shows that
the UK’s armed forces performed
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Jets January 2012 As another year draws to a close it is time to reflect on what has been an interesting and challenging time for the aviation industry. However it would be all too easy for me to sit in my office and bemoan defence cuts or complain about ‘double-dip’ recessions. The truth of the matter, as this issue of Jets Monthly proves ably, is that aviation is far from the doldrums and our collective depression is perhaps uncalled for. Just looking at the news pages this month and observing the numerous stories about airliner sales – some of which are record orders for their respective airlines and even the manufacturers – one is left wondering if the airline bosses know something the accountants do not. With talk of a worsening financial crisis around the world and escalating fuel prices one would perhaps expect the airlines to be tightening their collective belts, so to see massive orders for new machinery is an unexpected and welcome surprise. Yes there are tales of woe from the airline market too with Astraeus Airlines going into administration in November due to “lower than expected” summer business and Thomas Cook shares losing about three quarters of their value after the company announced it was in talks with its banks about increasing borrowing by some £100 million. But despite this Airbus, Boeing and countless smaller manufacturers confidently predict impressive levels of demand for newer, bigger and more efficient airliners. I guess only time will tell? It is not just the commercial aviation world that has something to celebrate. The RAF’s historic IV Sqn has just reformed and the UK’s first Joint Strike Fighter has rolled out of the factory in the USA. This month we welcome Dr Dave Sloggett to our happy band of regular contributors and his fascinating in-depth analysis of Operation Ellamy in Libya shows that the UK’s armed forces performed admirably.

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Issue Cover

Jets  |  Jets January 2012  

As another year draws to a
close it is time to reflect
on what has been an
interesting and challenging
time for the aviation industry.
However it would be all too
easy for me to sit in my office and
bemoan defence cuts or complain
about ‘double-dip’ recessions. The
truth of the matter, as this issue
of Jets Monthly proves ably, is that
aviation is far from the doldrums and
our collective depression is perhaps
uncalled for.
Just looking at the news pages this
month and observing the numerous
stories about airliner sales – some
of which are record orders for
their respective airlines and even
the manufacturers – one is left
wondering if the airline bosses know
something the accountants do not.
With talk of a worsening financial
crisis around the world and escalating
fuel prices one would perhaps expect
the airlines to be tightening their
collective belts, so to see massive
orders for new machinery is an
unexpected and welcome surprise.
Yes there are tales of woe from
the airline market too with Astraeus
Airlines going into administration
in November due to “lower than
expected” summer business and
Thomas Cook shares losing about
three quarters of their value after
the company announced it was in
talks with its banks about increasing
borrowing by some £100 million.
But despite this Airbus, Boeing and
countless smaller manufacturers
confidently predict impressive levels
of demand for newer, bigger and
more efficient airliners. I guess only
time will tell?
It is not just the commercial
aviation world that has something to
celebrate. The RAF’s historic IV Sqn
has just reformed and the UK’s first
Joint Strike Fighter has rolled out of
the factory in the USA. This month
we welcome Dr Dave Sloggett to our
happy band of regular contributors
and his fascinating in-depth analysis of
Operation Ellamy in Libya shows that
the UK’s armed forces performed
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Each issue of Jets brings you a broad mix of content ranging from the early war-time and experimental jet aircraft, through the cold war fighters and civil developments, bringing you right up-to-date with modern news and the preservation scene

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Basato su 2 Recensioni dei clienti
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Can we have more?

Just found this one recently and am only disappointed that it only comes out six times a year. The other ones I get are monthly. Recensito 16 luglio 2013

Articoli in questo numero

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