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Performance BMW Magazine Feb/Mar 2021 Edizione posteriore

24 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Automotive)
This issue's cover car is an awesome E30 Cab running a 2.7-litre M20 with both a turbo and a supercharger which combine to deliver 607hp, and it’s an absolute masterpiece of homebrew engineering. Keeping it classic we also have a gorgeous static E34 525i Touring and not only does this classic look super-sharp and stylish, but it’s also serving up some serious lows. If that wasn’t enough then how about the static E36 we’ve also got for you? Stripped-out, sitting crazy-low and with a wide-body kit, it’s a spectacular build. Beyond that we’ve also got an absolutely ferocious M2 for you and this monster has been enhanced with the addition of both a massive turbo and meth injection (among many other mods) and it’s pushing out no less than 628hp as a result of that. Sticking with forced induction goodness we’ve also got a turbocharged Z3 M Coupé for you and this absolutely epic build is making an awesome 620whp and it’s a beast. If that wasn’t enough then there’s also a seriously sexy E91 M3 Touring conversion plus a hardcore E30 track build as well.
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Performance BMW

Feb/Mar 2021 This issue's cover car is an awesome E30 Cab running a 2.7-litre M20 with both a turbo and a supercharger which combine to deliver 607hp, and it’s an absolute masterpiece of homebrew engineering. Keeping it classic we also have a gorgeous static E34 525i Touring and not only does this classic look super-sharp and stylish, but it’s also serving up some serious lows. If that wasn’t enough then how about the static E36 we’ve also got for you? Stripped-out, sitting crazy-low and with a wide-body kit, it’s a spectacular build. Beyond that we’ve also got an absolutely ferocious M2 for you and this monster has been enhanced with the addition of both a massive turbo and meth injection (among many other mods) and it’s pushing out no less than 628hp as a result of that. Sticking with forced induction goodness we’ve also got a turbocharged Z3 M Coupé for you and this absolutely epic build is making an awesome 620whp and it’s a beast. If that wasn’t enough then there’s also a seriously sexy E91 M3 Touring conversion plus a hardcore E30 track build as well.

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Issue Cover

Performance BMW  |  Feb/Mar 2021  

This issue's cover car is an awesome E30 Cab running a 2.7-litre M20 with both a turbo and a supercharger which combine to deliver 607hp, and it’s an absolute masterpiece of homebrew engineering. Keeping it classic we also have a gorgeous static E34 525i Touring and not only does this classic look super-sharp and stylish, but it’s also serving up some serious lows. If that wasn’t enough then how about the static E36 we’ve also got for you? Stripped-out, sitting crazy-low and with a wide-body kit, it’s a spectacular build. Beyond that we’ve also got an absolutely ferocious M2 for you and this monster has been enhanced with the addition of both a massive turbo and meth injection (among many other mods) and it’s pushing out no less than 628hp as a result of that. Sticking with forced induction goodness we’ve also got a turbocharged Z3 M Coupé for you and this absolutely epic build is making an awesome 620whp and it’s a beast. If that wasn’t enough then there’s also a seriously sexy E91 M3 Touring conversion plus a hardcore E30 track build as well.
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Basato su 24 Recensioni dei clienti
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