Radio Control Rotor World  |  43
8 Front Page
Breaking news stories from the world of helicopters, drones, multicopters
and UAVs
20 What’s New
The latest new drones, helicopters, products and accessories launched for
this growing market
56 Coming Up
Looking ahead to helicopter and drone events for the coming months
57 Next Issue
A glimpse of what’s coming in the next issue of the magazine
60 Buyer’s Guide
Our comprehensive listing of available multicopters in all classes
66 Contacts & Info
Information and contacts that will help you get the most from your drones
14 DJI New Pilot Experience
Drone Safe Register, the popular retailer based in Sussex, hosted a day
for prospective customers to try a range of DJI products with their staff on
hand for help and advice. Shaun Taylor has worked closely with DSR in
the past, and took the trip to Chichester Golf Club to participate in one of
the DJI New Pilot Experience sessions
22 Blade InFusion 180
As a manufacturer, Blade offers a range of heli machinery that often
either gets people into flying helis, or allows them to move onto a more
challenging platform. The new InFusion 180 focusses on the former,
and is ideal for the first-time heli pilot or someone moving across to the
category, with a durable design that is easy to fly, and equipped with
SAFE Technology including self-levelling and progressive flight modes and
panic recovery that is sure to appeal to the newbie pilot
28 DJI Remote Control Pro
The Pro is DJI’s top of the range controller with a 5.5-inch 1080p screen
and aims itself at professional who needs the very best functionality
available for operating their drones. Tom Stacey checks out the Remote
Control Pro and discusses if it’s worth the hefty price tag
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Radio Control Rotor World 43.