Radio Control Rotor World  |  45
6 Front Page
Breaking news stories from the world
of helicopters, drones, multicopters
and UAVs
24 What’s New
We show off the latest new drones,
helicopters, products and accessories
announced to the world
40 Coming Up
Looking ahead to helicopter and drone
events for the coming months
41 Next Issue
A glimpse of what’s coming in the next
issue of the magazine
44 Buyer’s Guide
Our comprehensive listing of available
multicopters in all classes
50 Contacts & Info
Information and contacts that will help
you get the most from your drones
14 DJI O3 Air Unit
The new 03 Air Unit from DJI offers
FPV pilots even better camera
and system technology to use in
their custom-built frames. Shaun
Taylor chose to install one into a
NewBeeDrone Inertia 5” frame and
these are his thoughts on the Chinese
brand’s latest HD package
20 Freestyle Masters 2023
BMFA Buckminster would host the
annual Freestyle Masters competitions
and just like last year, the final battle
would be hotly contested one with little
to separate two of the top British pilots
28 Roban 800 UH-1N
Ian Peckett gets his hands on a Super
Scale Huey from Roban and in the first
of a two-part series of articles, puts the
mechanics inside the fuselage
34 OMP M2 Explore/
Hughes 300 Conversion
After enjoying the performance of
the OMP M2 Explore in standard
form, Jon Tanner, with a little bit of
assistance, gives it a scale make-over
with a 3-blade head and Hughes 300
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Radio Control Rotor World 45.