Radio Control Rotor World  |  DroneZone 005
8 Front Page
Breaking news stories from the world of drones, multi-copters and UAVs
26 What’s New
The latest new drones, products and accessories launched for this
growing market
62 Buyer’s Guide
Our comprehensive listing of available multi-copters in all classes
66 Contacts & Info
Information and contacts that will help you get the most from your
12 World Drone Prix
David Stock travels to Dubai for the inaugural World Drone Prix and
reports back on a stunning event as well as a win for the UK’s Luke
Bannister and his Tornado X-Blades team in the racing competition
34 Through The Lens
One of our favourite photos from this month’s collection blown up to
poster size
40 Dominic Clifton Interview
We talk to the man behind Cleanfl ight and Seriously Pro, who is not
only an innovator but a top drone pilot too
54 RealFlight Drone Flight Simulator
RealFlight are now offering a dedicated simulator that will appeal to
established drone pilots who are looking to hone their skills as well as
newcomers to the hobby
20 Traxxas Aton
It may be a new brand to drone pilots but Traxxas has a proven record
in other RC sectors and this looks like continuing with the Aton, their
fi rst foray into the recreational/sport sector of the market
28 HobbyKing Ground Station
If you are looking for an alternative to FPV goggles then HobbyKing
may have the answer with their Ground Station set-up
36 Fossils Stuff 250 Gravity frame
We build up the updated 250-size Fossils Stuff frame in 250-22 guise
that allows the use of bigger motors for even greater performance
44 SkyRC Sokar FPV racing drone
Aiming at the entry-level sector of the racing market, SkyRC’s new
Sokar 250 comes RTF and offers a complete package with plenty of
speed and agility to develop your skills
50 Hubsan H107P X4 Plus
Priced at under £50, the X4 Plus is a mini-sized quad that will provides
a perfect first step in to the world of flying drones
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Radio Control Rotor World DroneZone 005.