Radio Control Rotor World  |  Issue 37
8 Front Page
Breaking news stories from the world of helis, drones, multicopters
and UAVs
24 What’s New
The latest new drones, helis, products and accessories
launched for this growing market
56 Coming Up
Looking ahead to heli and drone events for the coming months
57 Next Issue
A glimpse of what’s coming in the next issue of the magazine
60 Buyer’s Guide
Our comprehensive listing of available multi-copters in all
66 Contacts & Info
Information and contacts that will help you get the most from
your drones
14 DJI Mavic 3
The Mavic 3 is DJI’s flagship model that once again, sees the
prosumer product move closer to commercial grade equipment
allied by the very capable 4/3 CMOS Hasselblad camera.
With around 46-minutes of flight time, Omnidirectional
Obstacle Sensing and a new advanced RTH system, we
found the performance to be equally as impressive as the
26 Roban EC-130 Super Scale
The second and final instalment of the Super Scale feature
follows the fitting of the flight controller, servos, motor, and
electronic speed controller, then the all-important first flights of
the Grand Canyon-liveried EC-130 heli
36 SAB Goblin Raw Nitro
The Nitro version follows in the wake of SAB’s Goblin Raw
electric design with the same focus of making the model as
light as possible. As a result, the nitro-powered heli comes
equipped with a mix of 700- and 600-sized components for
optimisation, that the manufacturer claims gives the feel of an
electric model. But what do we think...
42 Charmouth Funfly
The outdoor flying season is traditionally wrapped up with an
autumnal trip to Dorset and the annual Charmouth Heli Flyin,
taking place over a long weekend in early October. But after
18 months of cancellations, the event finally returned for its
second date in 2021, much to the relief of the Association for
Helicopter Aerosports and the participating pilots
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Radio Control Rotor World Issue 37.