That’s the theme for this first issue of the year. It’s about keeping hold of good cheer, not depressing yourself with resolutions you know will be impossible to keep. Rather than focusing on unrealistic goals borne out of a sense of duty, far better to dream about the things you’d love to do – with a healthy dose of fresh air mixed in. Food writer Signe Johansen, a voice of sanity, takes that tack on p22 – a breath of fresh air in itself.
There’s no denying it’s tricky, though. We’ve just left behind the joyous Christmas festivities – season of goodwill and, yes, indulgence – and I’m the first to admit I struggle with my weight… So what’s the solution? What we hope we’ve achieved in this January issue is balance. If you’re fed up, there’s no harm in enjoying a lunch or dinner at the weekend that makes a hero of (yes please) melted cheese. But then use our wise ingredient-swap meals (p92) or healthy veggie meals-in-a-bowl to keep an eye on the calorie count midweek. In a nutshell, there are food hugs when you need them, alongside bright-tasting recipes for days when you yearn for fresher flavours.