WENDY SLY entered 1984 full of confidence. Running 70-80 miles a week, she was churning out fast road races through the winter, including a 48:42 for 15km in the February. However, as the peak of the track season drew nearer, the 24-year-old Sly got bogged down not only with a recurrent Achilles injury, but with the politics of athletics at the time, largely centred around the arrival of Zola Budd from South Africa.
“We went to a press conference in Spain and all they wanted to ask Wendy about was Zola Budd,” says Neville Taylor, Sly’s coach, who is now an England Athletics national coach mentor. “I interrupted the press conference, as it wasn’t fair to expose Wendy to that. She was just wanting to train and get ready for the Olympics, not be questioned on political issues.”
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