Radio Control Rotor World | 65
17 Tackling the Demon
Mike Williamson takes another close look at setting up a
model heli’s tail system
30 A bit of a challenge
We have a read through RC heli pioneer Len Mount’s
fascinating autobiography
34 Letter from America
Tim DiPeri gets into the workshop and fi ts and tests the latest
Futaba GY-750 gyro
47 Hell-E-Cats Fly-in
Martin briggs reports from a scale fl y-in organised by the
Cheshire Hell-E-Cats
58 Zone 3D Competition
Jamie Cole reports from the fi rst ever Zone extreme 3D
knockout competition
04 Word of mouth
The editor discusses the latest model helicopter goings on
06 Straight up
The latest news from the world of RC model helicopters
38 Through the lens
One of our favourite shots from this month’s collection
56 Cutting edge
All the latest and greatest new model heli products
68 In tray
More of your letters news and views
69 Next issue
What to look forward to in RW issue 66 out in
September 2011
71 Coming up
The RW events listing updated for the 2011 season
72 UK buyers guide & classifi eds
The best model heli shops products and services
73 Rotorworld subscriptions
Get your favourite RC heli mag delivered to your door
10 Twister Police Helicam
It’s a case of police camera action as Tom Stacey tests the
latest coax machine
24 Silverlit Space Avengers
Some more fabulous foam space raiders from Silverlit and
Flying Toys
41 T-Rex 550E FBL
Jamie Cole follows up last year’s T-Rex 550E test with a look
at the Align 3G FBL conversion
52 Phoenixtech GT9
Can a budget priced gyro compete against more
expensive and established brands?
64 Total G gyro
Mark Christy tests out the gyro that promises much from
Curtis Youngblood Enterprises
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Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Radio Control Rotor World 65.