Radio Control Rotor World  |  74
20 Tackling the Demon
The classic Thunder Tiger Raptor 90 is upgraded
and given a new lease of life
40 Zone 2012 preview
What to look forward to at this year’s bigger and
better event in the South West
44 The Rotavator
Our mysterious expert pilot continues going
back to basics
50 Reaching for the sky pt9
It’s been another busy month in Big Bad Dom’s
helicopter diaries as he upgrades his Raptor
61 Stainburn spring fl y-in
Richard Budd reports from this invitation only 3D fl y-in
64 Blade 500 preview
We take a look at the new larger Blade models
04 Word of mouth
The editor discusses the latest model helicopter goings on
06 Straight up
The latest news from the world of R/C model
30 Cutting edge
All the latest and greatest new model heli products
38 Through the lens
One of our favourite shots from this month’s collection
68 In tray
More of your letters, news and views
71 Coming up
The RW events listing updated for the 2012 season
71 Next issue
What to look forward to in RW issue 75 out in June 2012
72 UK buyers guide & classifi eds
The best model heli shops, products and services
73 Rotorworld subscriptions
Get your favourite R/C heli mag delivered to your door
10 SAB Goblin
Mike Williamson gets his hands on this much
anticipated awesome 700 size model
32 T-Rex 700E
Our 700 size special continues with a test of the
‘big daddy T-Rex’
49 Thunder Tiger E720
Tim DiPeri puts the big electric G4 through its F3C
competition paces
58 Quick UK upgrades
Getting your canopy on and off just became a
whole lot easier
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Radio Control Rotor World 74.