During the winter months, you may be at more risk of injury if you don’t warm up properly or if you don’t take care when running on slippery surfaces like wet leaves or icy pavements. “If you plan to run outside in winter it’s advisable to warm up for longer, as the time it takes for your body and muscle temperature to increase will be different to when running in warmer weather,” says physiotherapist Stuart Mailer from Kensington Physio & Sports Medicine (kenphysio.com).
“When we warm up, we improve the ability of our muscles to contract,” adds Mailer. “This aids our running speed and technique and also reduces the load and stress on the joints. To run efficiently, we need our muscles to be able to contract well, and for our tissues to slide over each other and our joints to be able to absorb force well. So an extra five minutes spent warming up can help obtain this.”
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