One of the joys of working on delicious. is having the chance to learn new things about food every single day, to taste new flavours and push the boundaries of our culinary experience beyond the comfort zone it’s so easy for us all to settle down into. Our job is to make different recipes accessible and appealing, to demystify unusual ingredients and explain where to buy them, and I hope we manage to inspire you to try new dishes and widen the scope of your own cooking.
New flavours are the hallmark of Ravinder Bhogal’s recipe writing, and it’s been an honour to welcome her as the delicious. writer in residence for two months. Her feature on p54 gives a moving insight into what it was like growing up in this country, having been born thousands of miles away. The spice-laced lunches she took to school might have been alien to her classmates, but I wouldn’t mind betting Ravinder’s tasted way better than their plastic sarnies and crisps. The recipes inspired by her experiences are outstanding, and if you try just one it has to be the prawn toast scotch eggs. SO good.