Radio Control Rotor World  |  63
14 Competition
Your chance to win the new Twister CPX 3D RTF helicopter
16 Charmouth Fly-in
David Nolan makes to the trip to what has now become
the traditional season opener
27 Tackling the Demon
The series continues with more confi dent backward fl ight
49 Letter from America
The helis visit Huntsville again and Tim DiPeri also tests the
Futaba GY701 gyro governor
55 Stainburn invitational
Richard Budd is once again granted exclusive access to
this invitation only event
58 Blade mCP X head upgrade
Now that Horizon Hobby has issued a recall, just what?s
involved in the upgrade?
66 Rapid prototyping
Modern 3D prototype printing technology put to use
making parts for R C model helicopters
04 Word of mouth
The editor discusses the latest model helicopter happenings
06 Straight up
The latest news from the world of R C model helicopters
34 Cutting edge
All the latest and greatest new model helicopter products
38 Through the lens
One of our favourite shots from this month?s collection
68 In tray
More of your letters, news and views
69 Next issue
What to look forward to in RW issue 64 out in July 2011
71 Coming up
The RW events listing updated for the 2011 season
72 UK buyers guide & classifi eds
The best model heli shops, products and services
73 Rotorworld subscriptions
Get your favourite R C heli mag delivered to your door
10 Twister CPX
Another great value RTF 3D model from J Perkins Distribution
22 Kantana turbine
How can you carry a great big camera? With one of these
amazing turbine powered model helis
41 Mini Protos
The latest model from Italian manufacturers MS Heli is this
well made carbon 450
60 Multiplex Cockpit SX telemetry
How to make sense of everything thanks to some very clever
Multiplex technology
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Radio Control Rotor World 63.