Charity Cats’ Protection wants to hear from people willing to foster cats.
Cats’ welfare charity Cats Protection is hoping to attract more volunteers for two branches covering Fort William, Ardnamurchan and Mull. The charity needs people to help with fostering cats, fundraising, data management and serving on committees. ‘I’d encourage anyone who loves cats and who would like to help the charity to contact us to find out more about helping cats in the area,’ said Lona Johnson, area branch development manager for the Highlands and Islands. ‘Volunteering for Cats Protection is a rewarding experience because it gives you the opportunity to be part of a worthwhile cause. Volunteers gain a lot of satisfaction from giving unwanted cats a second chance in life.’ ‘We are a new but very enthusiastic branch,’ added Paul Rigby, branch co-ordinator for Fort William, ‘and we need more volunteers to help as many cats as we can.’ For more information, or to volunteer call 03000 121212 or email